Seven Months Old

At 7 months old Liger has started to furniture walk. It's nerve wracking because they don't realize how badly they could hurt themselves but of course you do. So now I am back at square one with being at my Liger's side at every moment. Babies are brave! Even if he falls he still gets up and tries to climb over everything all over again. That's my one!!
Diego started sitting all by himself at 6 months. We used to practice sitting and have "sitting time" everyday but he was always wobbly. I was glad at 6 months to be able to just plop him on the floor and go do something else instead of having to stay seated behind him.
Our Liger also has 8 teeth. The 6 new ones came in all at once when he was 6 months old. I wanted to cry!! He was so cranky and miserable almost 24/7. I'm glad we get a break before the other ones start coming in.

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