Sight Words

I have been working on sight words with Diego for the past couple of months, on and off. We've gone through lots of ups and downs with the sight words, as I really had no idea what was an effective way to teach them. A few weeks ago, I finally found a better way for Diego to learn, and have been keeping up with it. What I've found that works for him are note cards with words written in different colors, and corresponding them to the books. We will read a book and then go back and look for two sight words at a time. The first week we looked for all the "and's" and "it's." This week we are looking for the "we's" and "up's." It's a slow process, but so far it has been the one yielding the results, so I am sticking with it. Next week I am starting his FIAR booklist. There is no booklist on the website for Before FIAR, so I am just starting with the FIAR Volume 1 list. I look up all the books on amazon and determine if they are age appropriate for him, and then head over to the library and borrow them for a week. Oh, we've also been watching sight words dvd's to help.

Okay, yay, I just found the Before FIAR book list...thank you Amanda Brown for posting this list!!

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