Ten Months Old

Diego is a couple months away from his first birthday. It's amazing how quickly time flies by! Like sand slipping through your fingers, one minute he's a baby and the next he's a toddler! He is definitely a strong-willed child, and that mixed with physical strength and a defiant personality...I have some work cut out for me!! At this age Diego has finally started helping me put his shirts on by willingly lifting each arm up and directing them into the sleeves. That's a relief being that he used to fight me and try to wriggle his way out of my grasp! He is also now a pro at climbing off the couch by himself and also sliding down off the bed onto the floor. He still isn't walking 100% yet - just little steps here and there but he prefers to crawl. I'm not worried at all, he took his first steps at 9 months and the doctor said that heavier babies take longer to fully walk independently.

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