I went to the spa to get a facial one Saturday morning. I was as relaxed as could be, and just loving the time I had to pamper myself. When we were done I grabbed my purse, pulled out my phone, and headed for the door. I noticed I had received a text message from my Api. I read it. "Guess who got a haircut today?" I completely freaked out!! I called immediately and wanted details on everything, from how he looked, to what happened to his curls, and if he was a good boy during the cut etc. When I got home, I ran through the door expecting not to recognize my little angel-face. What stood before me, instead, was the cutest little boy ever, with the cutest little hair cut ever! No longer looking like a baby boy, my little angel-face transformed into a little boy.
I wanna be a little boy again. Maybe if German cuts my hair. And I do believe in fairies, I do, I do.
yeah, i remember believing in the tooth fairy. I told mom and dad that I could pull out all my teeth so we could be rich. Ahhh, to be a child again where everything was so simple.
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