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Eighteen Months

Diego has added four new words to his vocabulary: ball, open, agua and pee pee. He still can't pronounce the "L's," so he says "boh" for ball, and he says "a-mah" for open. He has no problems saying "agua" or "pee pee," and he taps the front of his diaper when he says pee pee, too. It's so cute. I have started potty training Diego, and so far he's been doing okay. He has gone three times at the nanny's house...and all I've gotten are puddles of pee on my floors!
Diego is thankfully all done with his shots. He doesn't have to go back to the doctor until he's 2, and done with shots (except for yearly flu shot) until he starts kindergarten =)!!
Diego is more and more independent everyday. He wants to do everything by himself, and trying to help him only causes him to throw a fit. He will not let me feed him. No. He has to feed himself. As you know, this is time-consuming. If I try to put the spoon in his mouth, he throws a fit. If I hand him his juice cup, he throws a fit. No. He has to get it himself!
Above are some pics I took today at the park by my house. He loves to swing, he could stay in the swing for a whole hour...we've done it before! I swing him as high as I can, and he loves every bit of it. Today he surprised me by climbing all the way up the long slide by himself. Yeah, you're supposed to go down the slide, but he actually prefers climbing up. He also really surprised me when he climbed up the inlcine bench all by himself (the ones people use to do sit ups). It's much more narrow than a slide, and doesn't have any sides, but he was able to get all the way up to the foot anchors. I guess that's just what Ligers do.
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