Two and a Half Years!


It is such a joy to watch Diego growing more and more. Pretty soon he will be going to school at our church, and I can't wait to see him in his little uniform - a navy blue polo shirt, and khaki shorts. Now that is a definite photo must!!! So far that is the plan, unless something I get miraculously pregnant soon! Then Diego will stay home with mommy and the new baby instead.

Diego has been doing very well with his learning. I try to expose him, every chance I get, to new things. When I am home on my days off, we go for a walk together, and pick up little branches and seeds; we talk about the clouds, the colors we see, point at new budding flowers, and creepy insects. We watch the squirrels scurrying about playfully, and stop to look at the birds in the trees.

Every night, before bed, Diego cuddles up in my lap in the rocking chair, and I ask him about his day. We talk about how he played with his friends, and ask him if he was good at nanny's house. I ask him if he ate well, and if he enjoyed himself. It's so funny, the things children will tell you, or how they reenact things for you. When I ask him about lunch time, he will usually put his little fingers to his mouth and act like his chomping on his food, and then he'll say, "mmm, so yummy!" Or sometimes he'll tell me how he and Thomas were kicking the ball, and then he'll kick his little leg and say, "I kick ball." Or he'll tell me he got put in time out and say, "Time out, Diego - nooooooo." Before I turn the lights out, we go through our alphabet, our numbers (and he can count to 10 in spanish), our shapes and our colors. Then we'll say our prayers, and then it's time for him to cuddle with teddy, and blanket, and fall asleep. He's my little angel (usually)!

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