Dinner with the Arces

Last nite we went over to the Arces for dinner and it was such a sight just watching the two boys - Julian prancing about in an orange shirt and little boy underwear, and my chunky monkey in his onesie and capris (which used to be pants but he's grown out of them) just sitting in the bouncy trying to eat at the little stuffed elmo's eyeballs. While we were having dinner I look over and Julian is sitting in front of Diego extending his whole leg so that his foot is up against diego's face... "Julian, Julian..." I say not knowing what he was doing. The champ comes running to the table and starts kicking up the same leg for all to see. Turns out he had a booboo and wanted everyone to kiss his little foot. So he runs around the table making sure we all get a turn kissing his foot and when he's done with us I see him run over to Diego and do the same thing all over again. Diego HAS to kiss Julian's booboo. A few minutes later and Julian has another booboo on his hand...his pinky. We go through the whole thing over again - Champ running around the table making sure everyone gets a chance to kiss his booboo and then running over to Diego making sure his little cousin doesn't get jipped out of the same privilege!! Kids are so darn cute, and it was such a sight to see Julian pull up his Cars chair to sit next to his cousin in the bouncy so they could both watch Cars together.


Anonymous said...

They are both so cute!!

Tessa said...

okay anonymous! who are you! Show yourself!!