Nine Months Old

Liger had his first haircut!! His hair was constantly in his eyes blinding him. I'd peer over at him only to see little beady eyes peaking through an entanglement of hair. Everybody comments at how much hair my son has. I guess he's got mommy's thick hair. German finally took a pair of scissors to it, and of course it came out choppy...but oh so cute! We recorded the whole thing too - another addition to our already enormous amount of "Liger footage."And now he is standing all by himself for so much longer and he claps his hands to applaud himself. He stands there just grinning at his accomplishment! I took him to a kiddie gym where he was free to explore anything and everything. When he saw all those kids running around and walking he actually made an attempt to walk. He held onto my hands and led the way to the trampoline...of course he would've been trampled on so I held him back just to speculate. That really was the first time he showed an active interest in wanting to walk. One day before he turned 10 months old he actually took TWO staggering steps towards me...I was so proud!! We'll see if he actually starts walking this month. One thing I noticed about him is that he likes to stay at one stage for a while before he attempts anything new. He knows how to stand by himself now for a couple of minutes but he'd still rather furniture walk. I MUST keep him motivate!! He's going to the kiddie gym every week from now on!! Go Liger!

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