July 4th

Yesterday was Diego's first 4th of July. I really wanted to take him to see the fireworks but since we don't get to see much from our condo we decided to go to my MIL's place. Unfortunately, Diego has been sick for a couple of days and now I am sick...I haven't been to work at all this week, except for a few hours on Monday to train the new tech. We ended up staying home because I felt completely out of it - rendered useless I tell you. Well, we got to see a few of the fireworks. We took a couple of folding chairs out into the yard and let Diego watch from his stroller. He didn't seem amazed like I expected. But it was still fun watching his little face as he watched the little lights explode in the sky. Just like that he lost interest and started playing with the buckle on his stroller. Oh well. Maybe next year he'll be a little more amused!


Anonymous said...

yes next year for sure, jonathan was happy-scared, and glad the fireworks were far away.
so diego walked at 9 months??? wow i've only heard of girls doing that, he is just ready to be completely mobile!

Tessa said...

Yeah, he only took two steps and the most he's taken is three. But now he doesn't want to walk at all. I have to take him back to the kiddie gym to keep him motivated.