Our faithful Camry overheated on German's way back from work. He was stuck in Hialeah! I had already gotten home with Diego and called my Api as soon as I walked in! So the game plan was that he was going to let it cool off and then try driving it home. Well that didn't work. He has to get it towed. He tried to call me again but my cell has been dead for a few days now (Diego slobber) so he called me on the home phone. Not being used to keeping an ear out for the home phone I went and did my usual routine. So in an attempt to get me, and assuming I was on the internet, he needed to email me...being that he was stuck on the road and not near a computer he took this photo with his camera phone and sent it to my email. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw it!
I was happy to get home that night. The tow truck driver smelled like diesel and digested frijoles.
...but he was cool though.
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