It's hard to believe how quickly the first year goes by. I adore my son; the joy he brings me is beyond words. I would never give him up for anything or anyone and it makes me stand in awe just thinking of how my Father God gave His Son, our Savior, for the likes of us. And we are nothing compared to Jesus Christ. I think of this past year and all the ups and downs I've gone through with the Liger. First and foremost was my c-section not healing. It took 7 weeks to fully heal. I really believe the whole reason it kept opening back up was because I was getting up for Diego in the middle of the night (every two hours or so) by myself. I had requested that German sleep in the 2nd room so he could be rested for work the next day. I was always concerned that he would fall asleep at the wheel on his way to Hialeah. Then there was the whole battle to breast feed. That was a harsh and emotional part of my introduction to motherhood. Now when Diego was born, my biggest fear was SIDS. I would awaken in the middle of the night just to peer over to see if he was still breathing. Then when he learned to roll over I was a wreck. I always thought he would suffocate himself. Every tiny noise he made, and still to this day, awoke me. I remember how strong he was. From the moment he was born he was able to pick his head up even for a moment. I remember how he hated tummy time. He would get so mad at me! But he looooved to be held and rocked. Thanks to Lola always holding him and rocking him, he got spoiled with that. But that's okay, grandmas are allowed to spoil their grandkids! Diego started sitting all by himself at 6 months old. Before that we would always practice sitting in front of the mirror while I sat directly behind him ready to catch his toppling-overs. Then at 7 months he started furniture walking and simultaneously climbing everything. He learned very quickly to climb our dining chairs and now he uses those to climb onto our dinner table. Needless to say I have started placing the chairs on the other side of the gate so Diego has no way of climbing onto the table. Diego babbles a lot from the moment he awakens to the time he falls asleep. It's very cute, except when it's 6am on a weekend. His first word was "ah-pah" for airplane. But now he says "ah-pah" for apple as well, and sometimes he gets closer and says "ah-poh." For one whole day he said "ga-ga" for goggles, but that was short-lived. I am excited to see what this next year holds for us!
6 wks old holding his head up & looking around.
Four Months old fighting his pops to sit up!
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