Yay! Diego is finally doing clean-up with mommy! He usually stands alongside his toy box and I bring the toys to him one by one. He then chucks each toy one by one into the box and waits for me to hand him another toy. So cute! Also during bath times when I tell him "head back" he puts his head back for me to pour the water over him and that way it doesn't get into his eyes. I just delight in my son! He is doing very well using a fork at meal times. He hasn't yet mastered forking the piece of food but he is a pro at precisely putting the fork into his mouth and chomping onto the piece of food and sliding the fork out. Then he sits there with a grin looking back and forth between German and me waiting for our applause. Diego has also started dancing. He used to shake and do some moves here and there but I was never sure if he was dancing or just being a little guy. But now he actually bobs up and down to the beat of the song; he looks like he's doing little squats! This morning Diego took German's cell phone and put it to his ear. German would say "hello? hello?" and Liger would be all smiles. This is the first time we've seen him do this. Who knows, he probably does all these things at the nanny's house already lol. He is apparently very good to Mirian (nanny) because she is always so enthused and tells me in spanish what a good boy he is, and how wonderful he is, and last week she said he was "divino." What a big difference from when he first started with her - he was always crying and she was really getting stressed. One time I went to pick him up, she was carrying him while he was crying; she looked at me with pure stress in her eyes and with sunken shoulders she simply said "Ay Diego!"
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