Diego has added four new words to his vocabulary: "Yes" (for the longest time he just nodded), "doggie," "booboo", "quak quak," and he says the letter "c".
He has also now added shoulder to the list of body parts he knows.
My sweet pea is 20 months old. In just a few months he will be a tantrum-throwing 2 year old!! Wait, what am I talking about...he already throws tantrums! For the longest time he's been in his terrible-twos-in-training stage. He's a good boy, though, considering some of the crazy kids out there his age. He picks up his toys at night with mommy before he goes to bed. He loves to brush his teeth. He nods his head and says "yes" for everything we ask him to do. He is my sweet angel.
1 comment:
oh my goodness Tess, I cannot get over how handsome he is. Such a little man, God bless him! Love you guys!
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