Diego's new words are "Nooooo" ( sometimes he says this while wagging his finger back & forth), "book" (he also signs this), "walk, eat (he signs this as well) all gone, ketchup, banana, Amha, easy, please, high (and points up), toe, knock knock, cracker, close, ven aqui, and me (song from Caillou), sucio, don't touch, up above (twinkle little star), and "shoe."
He has also learned where his eyebrows, wrist and "kilikili" (armpit in tagalog) are. Diego has also learned how to sign "hurt," which he learned after he had his boo boo on his knee. I am teaching Diego his ABC's now. He doesn't know which letters are which, but he loves to call them out randomly. Every time we go out & he sees a word, or even numbers, he starts yelling out his b's, and o's, and i's. Those are his favorite letters, and he almost always says them in that order...B-O-I.
I still can't get Diego to sleep before 10pm. I have become accustomed to this though, and not bothered by it anymore. I have fought to get him to sleep at 8, and have been defeated over and over again. I have, instead, trained him to stay in his firetruck bed when it's "sleepy time." He is not allowed to leave his bed otherwise he gets a woopin'. He's done very well with this; he usually just plays and talks, and sometimes whines, til he knocks out.

So cute.... Tks for the update.
I remember another word he always says: "apa" which I think is 'abre' (spanish for open) which he uses for open & close, right?
Yeah, he started saying "apa" for open when he was 18 months old. I remember I taught him open when we were snapping open and closed his seatbelt buckle.
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