Twenty Eight Months

Our Liger is now 28 months old. He is doing so well with potty training; he lets me know when he needs to make "pee pee," and so far the only times he's had an accident was when he was running around with daddy and getting too excited. My problem with potty training, though, has been having Diego wake up dry, and also to make poopies. He always runs and hides when he needs to make poopies, and freaks out when I try to make him sit on the potty. All in all I give him a gold star for doing so well. I take him out to the park in underware instead of pullups and he hasn't had an accident yet. Shown below are a few tools from I had purchased, since one day I had taken Diego to the park and went to let him use the potty and their door was locked!

PiddlePad Folding Potty Seat With Handles

Day by day Diego's vocabulary is growing, he's putting more words together to form sentences, he's more consistent in saying his "thanks you's," and after being told to do something he is now starting to answer "okay." OH!! And Diego knows his left from his right now!! Diego is also getting much better at counting things. Below is a video of Diego counting from his Brighter Vision book we get monthly:


Brandi Abadia said...

Yaaaaay for the Liger, he's doing so good. I also purchased a portable potty, and the folding potty seat. I'm so excited to start the Bean.

Gabbs said...

Nate does the exact same thing when pooping! I know if I can't find him, thats what's going on, lol. And if I catch him trying to hide and I try to get him to come out, he freaks out, too! I wonder if its a boy thing? Grace never did that. She was stubborn, but she never hid.